Friday, June 26, 2009


my life is complex, in the wrong at best, judged and defintiely a test.
backroom in the pack soon, addict swoon for a gram of that yesterdays tune. Back ways paid my math plays. I say but my friend stays. What do I do now, who knows how to do anything but allow, a protest is words that speak. Failing the time I know its not free but I cant stop that feeling tinge which is weak. Pain stains the back way of my brain. Metaphors, images and sting rays play rewind in the slow motion time. Drop dime but pop nine. a pround fine now a doing line swine. From the top to quick low faster to More not less to pass this test. Master to the servant says plenty of blood lets. Needles and happy dermics, once pure now a nightmare, and everyone else asks how he got there. Judge but dont stare. Not to budge just relax the guilt care. The director says action and you lower the eyes here.

We must stand above the surface, above the last chance of the advanced, creation is the key, purpose is the me, the way is the He. Faith is the plea.
Modern skeptics and brain sceptics. I stain with hectic, anxious and full of wreck it. Packed with emotion, tight like a bottle, large like an ocean.

Assume nothing but believe it. I steep over and peep a little while the blinding face of the password and distaste is obvious upon my weeping face. The shake. The sand. The vomit. The band. The key. The lock. The sunrise. The walk. The gun. The store. The money. The poor. The drugs. The craze. The addiction. The taste. The beast. The in. The laugh. The sin. The sickness. The loss. The repetition. Where am I right now and why? Thats one thing you can never understand when high.

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