Monday, March 2, 2009

How to survive jail? This is how I did....

Easy. Keep your mouth shut. Don't trust anyone and just do your time. No one is in jail to make friends. It’s ok to have acquaintances that you play cards with but really you want to make a habit of keeping to yourself. I found people that wanted to do their time in a positive way (exercise, cards) and hung around them. You will notice that jail is highly territorial. You do not want to sit in anyone’s seat at meal time. This of course depends on what kind of situation you’re in. I was in max lockup which was 23 hour lockdown. I was also transferred after a couple of months to the next one down which was a nice change considering you could move freely about. Another great way to do your time is read a lot. If you don’t normally read, now is the time to do it anyway. Writing letters to friends and family or really any type of creative writing is beneficial. In jail all you have is time.
Last tip is to NEVER gamble. Of course it’s not prison but someone once told me that everyone in prison has gone through the jails first. Everyone. I say this because its particularly bad to gamble in prison because of gangs and getting in debt to people. When you owe someone money in prison or jail, its more than a bad thing.

Recap: Reading, cards, exercising, writing and eating. Do NOT gamble.

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