Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Employment. Part 1. What should I do now?

Fill out an application for employment can be challenging. You will likely be asked either if you have had a felony in the last 7 years, or if you have had one EVER. What should a person do when faced with a perfect job opportunity and know there is no way of getting the job without checking "no" on the application....?

Of course legally you need to tell the truth. Currently it is becoming ever cheaper and easier to do a background check for employers and in the future will become standard place. So, it benefits you to tell the truth. There is a new reality you need to face, and that is, in a situation like this it’s better to be rejected outright than to be caught in your lie later-on, and fired then. Believe me, I’ve been there!

That being said, remember, there is such a thing as being too honest. If they do not ask or if the employer just looks at your resume then sometimes you can get in without any trouble at all. This is not that uncommon. I got a normal job doing something I really love less than a month after my incarceration had ended. This gives you a chance to prove your value and if they do find out they will more likely be inclined to keep you later on.

What I almost always recommend is starting your own business if this is possible. Usually a service business such as repair or handyman is really good. The best resource you can tap into is your friends, acquaintances and relatives. As long as you are trying to do the right thing life tends to have a way of providing a path. If you ask your local probation/parole office they may have some employers that will hire felons. Don’t stop there either. Contact as many employment agencies as possible. In Florida there is at least one specific agency with a person that handles felony employment. They will have a list of companies and businesses willing to overlook your conviction. Later I will be providing resources people can go to with getting help and links they can use.

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