Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Probation/Parole Officer

Depending what your sentence was, you probably have a probation or parole officer. These officers are paid by you to supervise and you are at the mercy of them. This can mean drugs tests, visits to where you live, keeping informed on when and what you are doing plus much more. Be nice to your officer and always be pleasant. If there is one thing I have learned when dealing with the system it is to always be pleasant and never give an attitude. Giving an attitude never helps you, ever. Yes there are people there that have become bitter and cold. Its easy to treat someone like crap when you already have your idea about them made up, visa vee, a "criminal". There are also those poeple that are doing it for the right reasons and are willing to help and be cordial. Remember, your probation or parole officer has the power to send you wherever they want you. I always make sure I am in compliance. To me jail sucks and it will be a great day when I am finally free of supervision and being stuck in the system. This of course doesnt mean my felony will be erased, but its the next step in becoming more free.

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